Typical stuff
The baby is the size of a butternut squash (ahh!), weighs about 2 lbs, and has opened her eyes!
This is the last week of the second trimester... wow! I seriously cannot wrap my head around it. I'm always so anxious for it to be the following week; I hope I'm not the only one! I think it is a habit from the first trimester. Once I found out I was pregnant I couldn't wait to be 13/14 weeks which is when the miscarriage rate drops. It was quite stressful, honestly. The day I became 7 weeks I instantly counted down the days until 8 weeks. Hence, I can't wait to be 27 weeks! lol.
Fetal Movement
She seriously gets stronger every day! And more active. I have noticed she has a little routine already: first thing in the morning, while I'm still in bed, she'll stretch out. Then sometime in the afternoon she'll have a kick session. And finally around midnight I get the crazy hard kicks! I love feeling her movements. Before pregnancy the thought freaked me out, but it's really quite fun! The other day she would kick, hard, every time my husband or I would say her name (SO CUTE!). It was like a little game.The Boobies
This week has been a decent one on the scale of things that have happened to me in pregnancy so far (ahem, body hair...). My boobs started (barely) leaking... which I was ECSTATIC about, yay colostrum! The very first time it happened, a week and a half ago, it was just a drop of clear stuff. I felt the moisture on my shirt and my boob was tingly. At this point, if I kind of squeeze the nips a tiny pin prick of colostrum will appear. Nothing significant, but it's exciting!
The baby feeders have definitely been feeling heavier and a bit more tender this week than usual, but the stretch marks I've developed haven't gotten any worse (currently running to find some wood to knock on). All in all, not a bad week in the boob department.
I'm Itchy...
I was SO freaked out about this one. Initially, I figured I was just itchy. Whatever. But Saturday night I itched EVERYWHERE like I've never itched before. It was almost painful how itchy I was. It would be on the back of my shoulder one second, then my arm, then my ankle. All in all, a rough night. Obviously, I couldn't sleep. So what is a pregnant itchy lady to do? Well, I consulted the church of google. This turned up a million articles about liver dysfunction during pregnancy called "Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy". GASP. If I can't even pronounce it, I know it can't be good. I'll admit, I panicked. I laid in bed reading all the terrible things, like how stillbirth rates triple with this condition.
I just got off the phone with my doctor today. She wants me to take Benadryl for 24 hours and see if that affects the itching. If it helps then we'll know it is a reaction rather than the liver thing. So I'm starting that tomorrow. We'll see! I'm a little worried but trying not to stress.
I just got off the phone with my doctor today. She wants me to take Benadryl for 24 hours and see if that affects the itching. If it helps then we'll know it is a reaction rather than the liver thing. So I'm starting that tomorrow. We'll see! I'm a little worried but trying not to stress.
What's Coming Up
My baby showerrrr! I am SO excited! It is a BabyQ theme (BBQ) so it will be casual, coed, and perfect. I feel so grateful that I have so many loving people pitching in and helping with the shower. I am seriously beyond thrilled to see how it all turns out, and just to have everyone come together and hang out. It is still a month away, but I'm already counting down the days.
Coming up Friday (baby's 27 week gestation day!) I have a midwife appointment. I'm not so excited about this one... It turns out I will be doing the glucose test, having blood taken, AND receiving an injection. Not thrilled. I already am repulsed by having my blood drawn, but an injection? Uhh, so much worse. It is because I have the negative blood- type thing. So if the baby is rh positive then we'd have a huge problem if our blood mixed. They said this is more so problematic in subsequent pregnancies rather than this one.
Just Wondering
When do people usually start nesting? A few weeks back when I was SLAMMED busy I couldn't help but stay up until 3 AM cleaning my kitchen, organizing socks, color coding files (etc...). Now that I have much more time on my hands, I don't really want to do all the cleaning and organizing. I still clean, no worries! I just don't have that intense nesting urge.
Also, the glucose test. Is it really THAT bad?
Bump Selfie
Happy Gestating! (: