Friday, June 17, 2016

29 Weeks Pregnancy Bumpdate

Typical Stuff
Picture from Babycenter
According to my Ovia app: baby is the size of a Hawaiian pineapple! The womb is running low on space so movements will be much more defined this week. Baby may also weigh almost 3 lbs! Whatttt, how crazy! Baby is putting on some chub in order to help keep herself insulated upon delivery. 

The third trimester is kind of funny. For example, getting that last item on the bottom shelf at Target may not have been a huge deal a couple months ago, but now it's a whole ordeal. First, you have to do this super attractive squat/ bend motion just to lower your body to the ground. Then leaning toward the prize (in this case: L'Oreal mascara) while holding onto your shopping cart (or as we say, "buggy" here in Georgia) for dear life. Once the item has been grasped, you begin the journey back up. This is when I usually drop whatever it is and give up, but that's okay. You have to laugh it off!

On a total side note, I felt the baby have hiccups for the first time! I was wondering when I'd finally feel them since it is something people mention often about their pregnancies. Yep, Sunday night I felt the little repetitive jolts for about four minutes. It was so cute!



Finally! It has begun! These past few days I have gone through more boxes than I care to admit. Why all the boxes, you ask? Well, we moved into our house! Two years ago... oh boy. Don't judge! Life got busy. It has felt so great to get rid of the junk I know we don't need. Getting organized has been my heroine this week.

I have gone through our closet and chosen items of clothing my husband and I haven't worn in years for donation. A few are bridesmaids dresses so I may try selling those, but otherwise, Goodwill it is. Yay, donation tax write off!

In this whole "declutter and organize" process I have found myself making a mess. But it's a productive mess! For example, a ton of my bedroom's belongings are sitting in the hallway because I shampooed the carpet. To my husband, I'm a destructive tornado. But it's okay... I know by the end of this it will all be PERFECT! (Wishful thinking..?)

Acid Reflux 

This has been a fun one. I've had it for a few weeks now, but this week has been a whole new level. Almost every time I lay down I end up puking in my mouth, even if I haven't eaten in a while! Tums have been helping a bit; at least I like to think so. I find it happens more often if I am eating regular size meals rather than small meals/ snacks throughout the day. My stomach can't handle it anymore, I suppose.


I didn't expect to be one of those swollen pregnant women simply because I had made it 28 weeks with none. What was I thinking?! My body is carrying WAY more blood than usual and creating a human life. Plus, it has been in the 90 degree range for two weeks now. Least to say, the feet have gotten steadily more veiny, more red, and slightly puffy. My ankles still seem fine, for now, as do my hands (sometimes they get more veiny, but rings still fit).

Back Pain

This one I've been having since the first trimester; however, this week has been pretty brutal. I'll start cleaning and very quickly am in so much back pain that I have to take a break. The way I described it to my husband was as if somebody was trying to pull my back apart from the hips. Sounds fun, right?


I seriously can't move when this happens! It only happened briefly (under an hour) twice this week, but it's not fun. I really think swimming and butterfly stretches helped with this!


The dark chocolate chunk kind bars! Ahh, they're heaven. I always try to keep one stocked in my purse since I turn into a hangry bitch without warning. Plus, they're easy to grab without having to do any sort of time consuming prep work. Another bonus, all the natural ingredients make me feel like I'm doing my baby a good deed when I eat (ahem, devour) one.  

Swimming! This hot weather has been pretty awesome in regards to pool days. I find that swimming has helped me get some cardio without overheating. Also, it helps keep strain off my abdomen and lower back. I noticed after an hour of swimming/ floating in the pool a huge relief in my back pain.

Midwife Appointment

So my last appointment was Friday, exactly on my 29 week gestation date. The nurse who measured me said, "oh! You just look small. You're measuring exactly 29 weeks". This was such a relief to hear! I've been pretty on track this whole time, but literally EVERYONE comments on how tiny the bump is. I'm sure that will change in these upcoming weeks though. 

I discovered I have slightly flat nipples which could present an issue when it comes time to breast feed. My midwife said they aren't completely flat, but mostly. I may have to start the baby off with a nipple shield in order to extract the nipple better, then feed her normally. I am really hoping this doesn't present huge hurtles with breast feeding since it is so important to me. 

Childbirth Classes

This one is sooooo exciting to me! Wednesday was my first class (which I ran about 15 minutes late for, uh). I love the instructor and the easy going feel to the whole class. It's very discussion based. 

The location is in this older warehouse type of place (which I love) and the inside is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye: high ceilings, string lights, a plush rug, and comfy seating. Am I the only one who does better in a well decorated environment..? 

Anyway, we discussed basic things such as the anatomy of a pregnant woman, the five warning signs to go to the hospital for, and pregnancy do's and don'ts. That last part I found very interesting. For example, we talked about how alcohol is quite stigmatized in America. Apparently, women in Europe drink moderately throughout their pregnancies with no side effects. The rule here was, "drink like a European woman, not an American frat boy". Then we got into the research behind fetal alcohol syndrome and how it cannot be properly researched since it would be unethical to submit the test group of womens' pregnancies to the possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome. Really nobody knows how much is "too much" alcohol. I am still staying away from the wine, but it is nice to know this information!

I may do a post on the five signs to go to the hospital for which we covered in class. (:

Weekly Bumpie 

Baby was laying weird when I took this. The bump is not round here! Oh well. 

Happy Gestating! (:

Fetal Movement Bonus Video!

Sorry for the bad quality. She's so active in there though!

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